Saturday, October 6, 2012


Following up on my previous post, this is more about my first day on the job (October 1, 2012).

Once the medical check up was completed, we headed to the Mafraq area, which is pretty much the east side of Abu Dhabi.  This is where the I work. It seems to be a developing area.  And for my friends in California especially, my sister-in-law and I (we are carpooling, as our work is very near each other) drive against traffic :-)

For context purposes:
ACTVET stands for Abu Dhabi Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training, and is responsible for career, technical and vocational training. ACTVET was created by royal decree in 2010. 

The Institute of Applied Technology (IAT) is part of ACTVET.  and has information.

Al Rowdah Academy (ARA) is a program overseen by IAT.
Here is a pdf about the Al Rowdah Academy:

Al Rowdah is all about basic skills. Emiratis whose test scores where below the mark out of secondary school can enroll in Al Rowdah and get up to speed in English (reading, writign, speaking), math, and study skills. A very familiar student population for U.S. community colleges.  It's important to note that you can get by with absolutely no Arabic throughout this country; people grow up learning both Arabic and English. (If it were up to me, I'd make a second language a requirement in the U.S., as well as a semester or year studying and traveling abroad.)  And signs are in both Arabic and English. As as English speaker traveling here I say God bless them for that.

2012-2013 is only the second year for the Al Rowdah Academy.  In its first year (2011-2012 academic year), there 400-some students enrolled and taking ARA classes.  In its first year, there were 6 sites. Students take ARA classes at the various institutes and colleges, where they want to enroll and continue their education.  For example, Fatima College of Health Sciences, in Mafraq.  Or the Aviation Academy in Al Ain (eastern side of the UAE).

The core ARA staff, including me as the director, are based in offices at Fatima College.  Then there are staff (adminstrative, teachers) at each of the sites.

Now, talk about growing pains and opportunities -- Al Rowdah went from 400 some students last year to over 1900, and from 6 sites to 10. And there is potential to grow  and keep growing on a continual basis, to meet the needs of students. 

So this is a new concept for the UAE, and they are serious about this endeavor. It's all part of the "emiratization of the UAE", where the country is focusing on strengthening its infrastructure, and right now education of the Emirati is a top priority. And what a wonderful priority for a country to have!

My first day, and the subsequent three days of the work week, have been about meeting people (Al Rowdah folks and Institute of Applied Technology folks), in-depth meetings with Al Rowdah staff to (start to) get to speed on my responsibilities and the work to be done, and reading lots of materials.

Within my first day and a half I could tell I have am working with a dedicated and energetic team, who is all about making this program and helping the students succeed.  And if you are reading this, you know me, and those factors will keep my adrenaline pumping.

The work week here is Sunday through Thursday, with Friday and Saturday being the weekend.  The work hours are the similar to those we are familiar with in the U.S.  So it's Saturday night here and I am off to work tomorrow morning. I actually put "weekend" on my Outlook at work for Fridays and Saturdays, as I wrap my head about that paradigm shift.

On a closing note for this post, I've explained how I heard about this job and ended up in Abu Dhabi. (My brother.) But really, what are the odds that 2 of us 4 siblings would go work and live in Abu Dhabi? Seriously.

And then you extend those odds -- in a decent size city, what are the odds that Danielle (my sister-in-law) and I would end up working in the same area of Abu Dhabi, maybe a mile or two from each other? With similar enough work hours that we can carpool?

More soon my friends.
~ Kate

PS -- this is part of the grounds outside the building I work in, looking out one of my office windows.  There is LOTS of sand here, but also landscaping and parks.  I promise, more photos in the future, of various things.

1 comment:

  1. I love the Blog! What a awesome adventure. Cant wait to read more about the culture and life around the world.

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