Saturday, November 17, 2012

Being on the ground floor

Being on the ground floor.

That statement can have a few meanings.

Here in the UAE, as in many places in Europe, the "ground floor" is the same as the first floor in the U.S.

With that in mind, here the 1st floor is the same as the 2nd floor in the U.S.  And so on.  There are still moments when I forget this concept and difference, and in the three-story building my office is located, I end up going to the wrong floor because of my American frame of reference.  Security guys just smile and point me back in the right direction.

(Security guards are a common sight ... housing complexes, businesses, government agencies, malls, just about anywhere.  Not a scary or bad thing. Just part of living and working here.  Probably because so many organizations are government agencies; cannot fault someone for ensuring safety.)

At work not only am I literally on the ground floor (that's where my office is), but with the Al Rowdah Academy I am figuratively on the ground floor of a new concept and quickly growing educational institution here in the UAE.

On days that I feel a bit daunted, or have moments where I find myself thinking "what the heck did I get myself into" by the sheer magnitude of possibilities and subsequent work due to those possibilities, I turn it around in my head and remind myself that "wow, this is an incredibly unique opportunity" and then decide to focus on the fun of it all.  The work is challenging and I am never bored. I am learning so much, and simply strive to make a productive and positive contribution. Vast majority of the days I am just enjoying this new ride. 

1 comment:

  1. Again, your blogs are fantastic. As you see, I have a blog in title only. At one point I was making a comment on a book I had read which happened to be somewhat negative and all of a sudden I was in this current where I was choosing a title for a blog. Perhaps I should use it or not for what I have to see.
    I am so very proud of you, Kate. MOM
